Our Farmer's Market Debut

Yesterday marked our first day at the Marina Del Rey Farmer’s Market! What a thrill, we are officially bringing our delicious rice cakes to the people.
It’s amazing how much we learned in just six hours. Most notably adjusting our price ($4 was waaay too high), packaging deals (people love the group discount) and we definitely cannot be in the sun (everything melts immediately.)
Also, it's heartbreaking to admit that after spending a decade in marketing and advertising, no one understood my positioning concept. I went with "the official rice CAKE" as in, we're putting the cake in rice cakes. Yeah, so no one got that. I wish I tested this idea out before investing in so much signage! All good though, we're rolling with it for now ;)
On the positive side, there are a few things I did get right. For one, people love the concept of the product. Once I explain that these are the flavors of cupcakes and cookies on the rice cake, people immediately get excited and said what a great idea that is and that they've never seen anything like it before. Words like these truly make my heart flutter. Next, people are loving the flavors we've created. Phew, all of the months of trials paid off! Lastly, I got soo many complements on how beautiful our packaging is and that they love the logo (thanks, Colin!) and brand colors, so all of that makes me super happy.
I'm excited to see what else I learn in the weeks ahead. This is the start of something awesome :)
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